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*The link seems to be down. Please notify the blogger.* This article is about the _____. This article is about _____. It can _____. It can also _____. It is best used for ___. If you are interested in __, then you should probably read this article! It is best used for ___, but it will help ___ accomplish that goal. I just read an excellent article on the _____. It will help you achieve your goals and bring glory to your name! The ____ refers to a page on this wiki. For more information about it, see the main article here . If you wish to discuss ___ on the wiki, then you should probably read this article first! It is best used for those who must accomplish the task at hand. This article is about this year's ___. "Remember: Your first project is only as good as your last." - Lord of the Rings , pgs. 118-119 "In my experience, the best way to learn a new skill is to practice it on a regular basis." - Harold RamisSee also: the principle of retrospective planning of actions. According to Terence Hines, "Religion without shame is a religion that does not exist for most people." Shame helps keep us in line. We have our egos, and we have our sense of what's right and wrong. And shame holds us to rules of conduct based on values we hold sacred...such as honesty, love, respect for others, and so forth. It is very hard to argue with people who do not argue. "The future belongs to those who control the present." "This is the fundamental difference between success and failure; success is doing what you want; failure is doing what you don't want." - Earl Nightingale (or UK spelling) (US spelling) (Canadian spelling) (Australian spelling) (New Zealand spelling) "I am different from most people, for I am free; no one can make me do anything I do not wish to do. I am free—free to live as I wish, free to follow the path that I believe is best; free to make my own mistakes and learn from them; free to choose who I want to be and how I want to live. And because of these things, no one can take my freedom away." And the answer is: "People do anything for power. They don't like it; they don't need it; but they will do anything for it." – Lord of the Rings , pgs.  377-378 "I believe that being an athlete is being willing to hurt yourself in order to win. It's not just physical pain you have to endure, but pain of character as well. cfa1e77820

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